Wyoming Statutes
Title 16. City, County, State and Local Powers
Chapter 1. Intergovernmental Cooperation
Article 1. In General
WYO. STAT. ANN. §16-1-103. Definitions
(a) As used in this act:
(i) “Agencies” means Wyoming counties, municipal corporations, school districts, community college districts, the joint business council of the Eastern Shoshone and Northern Arapaho Indian tribes, the business council of the Eastern Shoshone Indian tribe, the business council of the Northern Arapaho Indian tribe, joint powers boards formed pursuant to this act or special districts specifically involved in providing facilities or functions enumerated in W.S. 16-1-104(c);
(ii) “This act” means W.S. 16-1-102 through 16-1-110.
WYO. STAT. ANN. §16-1-101. Authority to cooperate.
In exercising, performing or carrying out any power, privilege, authority, duty or function legally vested in any one (1) or more of them by Wyoming law, the state of Wyoming, and any one (1) or more of its counties, municipal corporations, school districts, special districts, public institutions, agencies, boards, commissions and political subdivisions, and any officer or legal representative of any one (1) or more of them, may cooperate with and assist each other, and like entities or authorities of other states, the United States and the Eastern Shoshone and Northern Arapaho Tribes of the Wind River Reservation. Cooperation may be informal or subject to resolution, ordinance or other appropriate action, and may be embodied in a written agreement specifying purposes, duration, means of financing, methods of operations, termination, acquisition and disposition of property, employment of executive and subordinate agents and other appropriate provisions.
WYO. STAT. ANN. §16-1-104. Joint powers, functions and facilities; city-county airport board; eligible senior citizen centers.
(a) Any power, privilege or authority exercised or capable of being exercised by an agency may be exercised and enjoyed jointly with any other agency having a similar power, privilege or authority. No cost shall be incurred, debt accrued, nor money expended by any contracting party, which will be in excess of limits prescribed by law. If the joint business council of the Eastern Shoshone and Northern Arapaho Indian tribes, the business council of the Eastern Shoshone Indian tribe or the business council of the Northern Arapaho Indian tribe participates in a joint powers board under this act with political subdivisions and special districts of Wyoming, the powers of the joint business council, the powers of the business council of the Eastern Shoshone Indian tribe, the powers of the business council of the Northern Arapaho Indian tribe, Wyoming political subdivisions and Wyoming special districts are neither increased or decreased by that participation. Rather the participation of the joint business council, the business council of the Eastern Shoshone Indian tribe or the business council of the Northern Arapaho Indian tribe is intended to facilitate implementation of programs and projects designed to more effectively benefit Wyoming’s citizens.
(b) A county may enter into and operate under a joint powers agreement with one (1) or more counties, cities, school districts or community college districts for the performance of any function that the county, city, school district or community college district is authorized to perform, except the planning, expansion, creation, financing or operation of municipally owned electrical facilities.
WYO. STAT. ANN. §16-1-105. Joint agreements.
(a) Any two (2) or more agencies may enter into agreements with each other for joint or cooperative action pursuant to this act. No agreement hereunder nor amendment thereto is effective until:
(i) The governing body of each participating agency has approved the agreement or amendment;
(ii) The agreement or amendment is submitted to and approved by the Wyoming attorney general who shall determine whether the agreement or amendment is compatible with the laws and constitution of Wyoming; and
(iii) The agreement or amendment is filed with the keeper of records of each participating agency.
Title 15. Cities and Towns
Chapter 1. General Provisions
Article 1. Powers and Miscellaneous Matters
WYO. STAT. ANN. §15-1-103. General powers of governing bodies.
(a) The governing bodies of all cities and towns may:
(xlii) Subject to subsection (d) of this section, take any action necessary to acquire any needed or useful property, or to construct, maintain, repair or replace any lawful improvement, development, project or other activity of any kind, or to participate, join or cooperate with other governments or political subdivisions, or departments or agencies thereof, for which funds may be borrowed from, granted or made available in whole or in part, on a matching basis or otherwise, by the United States of America or the state of Wyoming, or any subdivision, department or agency of either;